Site can't be reached / File not found error after login in to



Right after entering your credentials to log in you get an error "File not found" or "This site can't be reached" (or similar) depending on the browser used.


The errors look like the ones from the screenshots below:


Screenshot 2024-10-02 at 10.09.23 AM.png


Screenshot 2024-10-02 at 10.09.05 AM.png


We recently changed the Salesforce API we are using from SOAP v58 to REST v60 and due to this change and a particular query we are doing, there is one specific permission that was not needed before but is needed now.

The permission name is "View Setup and Configuration".


In order to solve this issue, please, add this permission "View Setup and Configuration" to the user profile following the steps below:

  1. Go to Salesforce Setup > Profiles.
  2. Edit the profile that this user is assigned to.
  3. Add the permission "View Setup and Configuration" and Save.
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