How to install canvas app to open in a Salesforce tab

In order to be able to use in a Salesforce tab you need first to install the canvas app.


Note: this feature is only available for Enterprise and Professional users.


The steps to install this canvas app

  1. You need to log in to with a Salesforce admin user.
  2. Navigate to the Settings > User Porfile.
  3. Click on the button next to "
  4. Select if the app will be installed for admins only, for a specific user or for all the users.
  5. Install and wait for it to finish (it will take a few minutes).

Once the installation is finished you will be able to find app in Salesforce and it will be loaded embedded in the Salesforce UI.


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    Equipe The Babel Community


    I do not have the button "Install Salesforce Canva app"

    What do I need to do ?

    Thank you

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    EDC User

    error 'authorizing with Salesforce" when i open the dataloader tab. needs support to get it working

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    SravyaSri Cheedella

    HI I am sravya
    I don't have button "Install salesforce canvas app"
    How can i resolve it??
    Can you check it once and let me know.

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