Service interruptions

We are aware of some recent temporary service interruptions on services. We are working on this as our priority. This article is intended to explain how this issue can impact you and what our plans are to solve this.

The impact

Currently, these service interruptions can last up to a few minutes, and during them, you might experience the following scenarios.

  • You receive a 504 when trying to log in to
  • You are able to log in but observe slowness or errors when navigating the site.
  • Your tasks are not running by the time they were scheduled.

If you experience one of the scenarios above, we recommend waiting for a few minutes before attempting to log in. Please note that the tasks that are scheduled are not canceled but delayed. As soon as recovers, it will start processing the queued tasks.

What are we doing

Our teams are constantly monitoring and have put measures to identify and address these interruptions as quickly as possible. Our Engineering teams are already working to address these issues, and have already made changes to reduce the impact and duration. They are also working on a long-term solution and we expect them to be completed within the coming months. We will update this article when we have more details.

Our commitment to you:

We sincerely apologize for the impact this issue may cause you and your business. It is our goal to provide world-class service to our customers, and we are continuously assessing and improving our tools, processes, and architecture to provide our customers with the best service possible.

If you have additional questions or need further support, please open a case with Support.

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