Same here - one of my users is also affected, tried the same troubleshooting steps to no avail; assume it's a platform issue.
Two Users getting this error when trying to log into Dataloader.io. Both cleared their cache and have tried using other browsers.
Error in Chrome
The webpage at https://dataloader.io/oauthcallback_production?code=aPrxZibfVBKPF9viNiqna5YuKPr8D76mcmv9G8Tmm1AjQbR3idtB9WajJhJqVYQyESnvUXJ2nA%3D%3D&state=is_login%3Dtrue%26is_canvas%3Dfalse%26callback_path%3Dtasks%26custom_url%3Dvituity.my.salesforce.com%26sf_instance%3DPRODUCTION might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error in Edge
OAuth Error
We can't authorize you because of an Oath error. For more information, contact your Salesforce administrator.
OAUTH_APPROVAL_ERROR_GENERIC: an unexpected error has occurred during authentication. Please try again.
Same here - one of my users is also affected, tried the same troubleshooting steps to no avail; assume it's a platform issue.
Systems Admins profiles don't see to be affected within my org.
Business users receive an error "Invalid Nonce" within the the login history.
I am also in this situation with a number of my users receiving these exact same issues.
We are having the same issue really needs resolving
I don't know if this helps anyone, but I have been getting a "404 Not Found" error when I try to login to dataloader. I have been using my domain name to log in. When I tried un-checking the "I have a custom Salesforce domain" it took me to login.salesforce.com where I then selected "Use Custom Domain" and then I was able to log into Dataloader using my custom domain and my OAUTH.
We are experiencing the same issue and need a resolution.
Admins can log in, no other users.
We are experiencing the same issue. Admins are fine but other users can't.
Same, some users are fine and others are impacted and cannot log in
Same here - users experiencing the same issue - System Admins are fine.
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