yes we are getting that too. We urgently need it resolving.
Does anyone know why user is getting this error when login?
This site can't be reached
The webpage at https://dataloader.io/oauthcallback_production?code=aPrx.f3G28C1ueiVS6jMdUchVh0aPjeHVmE5Od553fu1so82VZYSN2PLhzb7IT7rktjOX0Yjgg%3D%3D&state=is_login%3Dtrue%26is_canvas%3Dfalse%26callback_path%3Dtasks%26custom_url%3D%26sf_instance%3Dproduction might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
yes we are getting that too. We urgently need it resolving.
Our tenant is also experiencing this issue since Monday 1st October, identical error.
We submitted an incident to Salesforce, but they closed it, stating that it falls outside their support scope.
Same here. This worked all before Monday 1st October. Using the system administrator role we are not having this issue.
I have followed up with this trouble shooting issues: https://dataloader.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/224214348-Having-trouble-logging-in-to-dataloader-io
I also have updated the connected app with adding the profile relaxing the ip's etc but without any results.
Can you please help out here?
Identical issue as Gen25, System Admins can access fine.
Like you, we've done all the initial troubleshooting without any joy.
We are having the same issue really needs resolving
Same, my org is having issues.
I don't know if this helps anyone, but I have been getting a "404 Not Found" error when I try to login to dataloader. I have been using my domain name to log in. When I tried un-checking the "I have a custom Salesforce domain" it took me to login.salesforce.com where I then selected "Use Custom Domain" and then I was able to log into Dataloader using my custom domain and my OAUTH.
I'm having the same issue with my organization. I can use it without issue, but my users, who've always had the current profile permissions, are running into this problem as of Monday afternoon.
I fixed this login error this morning by adding new the IP Addresses list in this support document to our Login IP Ranges on our profile. We do have IP Address restrictions turned on.
Just want to say that Dave's solution did resolve my issue.
I tried Dave's solution and adding the IP addresses did not solve our login issues for users experience it
Hi All, try this weblink that was provided after putting in a support ticket. It seems to only work when you use Chrome. https://dataloader.io/static/
Login issue seems to be solved. When user try to login this morning, there is no issue.
I have tried both suggestion and am getting the same error still.
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