Trouble deleting activities

I'd like to delete a set of completed activities.

I've created a Delete task and selected Task as the object.

However, when I proceed to upload my CSV (which has Activity ID as the only column), the error I receive says this: "Invalid TaskID - The selected column contains at least one prefix that does not correspond to the selected object."

Any ideas on what I need to do?


Date Votes
Antoine de Fridman

I'm having the same issue with a customed object we called Volunteer Jobs. I checked and the prefix is correct, so I have no idea what I need to do.

Michele Fountain

I had this error, and it turned out to be caused by a block of empty rows in my .csv where data had been cleared. Deleting the empty rows, saving and uploaded the new file fixed the problem. 

David Redmond

Thanks for the suggestion, Michele!

Permanently deleted user

Hi All,

Salesforce IDs have a specific three chars prefix which is different for each object.

The error mentioned is usually caused by these scenarios:

  • Empty lines (as mentioned above).
  • Wrong prefix.
  • Some ID with the wrong prefix in the list of IDs with the correct prefix (so you won't realized of its existence especially if the list is long).

A possible way to find IDs with wrong prefix in a long list is to use the find and replace feature of any text editor so you can replace the correct prefixes with something which you can easily see (like replacing 00T with ".......................................", then you can scroll down the list and easily identify the wrong IDs.


David Redmond

Thanks for the ideas, Pablo.

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