Learn dataloader.io in under 20 min!

Don't like reading boring documentation? We've got you covered. Learn how to use dataloader.io by watching these four amazing demo videos.

dataloader.io delivers a powerful, easy to use, 100% cloud based solution to import, export and delete information from Salesforce. With its simple step-by-step process, you can import and export information in minutes. 


In this video you will learn how to navigate inside dataloader.io, configure settings, connect to services like Box, Dropbox and (S)FTP and many more.


Learn how to import data into Salesfoce, schedule imports of data so they run automatically and import directly from Box, Dropbox, (S)FTP.


Learn how to export data from Salesforce, set a filtration criteria, schedule exports so they run automatically and export directly to services like Box, Dropbox and (S)FTP.


Data cleansing can be hard without the right tool. Learn how to delete records in Salesforce using dataloader.io.

What to learn more, check our knowledge base and stay tuned in the community.

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