User Menu and Settings

On the top right of you'll find the User Menu. Here you'll see the name of your default Salesforce connection next to the amount of pending notifications you have available.



On the top of this menu you'll find new notifications every time we have a new product release.


On the Settings page you can view your profile data, set your default date format and timezone, manage your connections, and change your subscription terms. To leave this page, just click 'Back to Tasks' on the top-right.


In the subscription tab, you can check what kind of subscription you have, and track your usage of the resources over which it imposes restrictions. You can also change or cancel your subscription from here.


If you have a paid subscription, you can modify your payment information any time you want by clicking on the pencil icon next to the credit card information:

Community & Support

In the community and support page you can report problems, discuss ideas and collaborate with other users.


The documentation option will bring you here, to the documentations page.

About Mulesoft

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