
With Professional you import, export and delete data from Salesforce with a simple and intuitive UI. is designed for all Salesforce users and all Salesforce editions, from Group to Professional, everyone can use You can also schedule tasks and pull/push information into remote directories like FTP, Dropbox and Box and get email notifications. is a web-based application so there's no need to download anything and works on all mayor browsers.

With Professional you get all the features from free plus: 

  • Your tasks never expire.
  • Import, export and delete from Salesforce up to 100,000 records per month.
  • Manage your files on remote or local servers using Dropbox, Box and FTP.
  • Automate your tasks using hourly, daily, weekly and monthly schedules, up to 50 tasks.
  • Unlimited e-mail notifications to get the result of your tasks on your inbox
  • Reach out for help using e-mail support. Professional Frequently Asked Questions

How many tasks can I create?

All versions of support an unlimited number of tasks per user.

How long do the tasks last for? professional will keep your tasks forever. If you want a task to be removed you can always delete it.

How many scheduled tasks can I have at the same time?

With professional you can have up to 50 scheduled tasks at a time, If you don't wish to have this limit please check our and enterprise subscription. 

How many tasks with e-mail notifications can I have at the same time?

With professional you can have unlimited tasks with e-mail notifications enabled at a time.  

How many records can I import, export or delete?

With professional you can import, export or delete up to 100,000 records per month. For imports and deletes we calculate the number of records based on the source file and not the results, so if you import a file with 100 records and 10 of those fail, you will have 99,900 records left for the rest of the month. This limit resets itself on the first day of the month. If you don't wish to have this limit please check our enterprise subscription. 

Related objects exports and limits allows you to export both Objects and their parent information on a single task (e.g.: Contact with parent Account). professional allows to do related object export of up to 10,000 records at a time. If you don't wish to have this limit please check our enterprise subscription. 

File size limits professional import/delete  information using files of up to 50MB per file. If you don't wish to have this limit please check our enterprise subscription. 

Dropbox, Box, FTP and SFTP professional supports Dropbox, Box, FTP. SFTP is only available on enterprise subscription. 

Salesforce Connections professional supports connectivity to a single Salesforce account. Connections are different for different users, organizations and environments. Let's say you need a production and a sandbox environment, a singe user will then need a different connection for each of those, thus two different accounts. If you wish to connect to more than one Salesforce account please check our enterprise subscription.

Salesforce Canvas UI professional is available in both it's web version on and there is a Canvas UI version that you can install as a managed package on your Salesforce organization. To install the managed package go to User Menu > Settings > User profile and select Production or Sandbox according to your organization type. If you need to know more about installing apps in Salesforce you can check Salesforce docs here.

Salesforce Security

Leveraging Canvas UI and Salesforce profiles, with professional Salesforce Administrators can have full control on which users from their org use As a Salesforce Administrator using the Enforce Canvas UI option ( User Menu > Settings > User profile) you will force all Salesforce users from your org to use only the Canvas UI version of Since you, as a Salesforce Admin, control which users can get access to the Salesforce App inside the managed package, you have full control who uses on your org.


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