How to manage users access to

ISSUE accounts are per (Salesforce) user and not per Organization, therefore, there is no way for an Admin to handle users permissions on side.


Since the access is done through the Salesforce user account, the Salesforce Organization admin can configure the connected app so only a specific profile or permission set allows a user to access that app.

For specific details on Salesforce permissions and configuration, you should contact Salesforce support, although, you will find below a summary of the steps you should follow to configure this access.

  1. Log in to once through website.
  2. Install the connected app (from Salesforce Setup > Connected apps OAuth usage > Dataloader.io_v2 > Install
  3. In managed app policies (for this connected app you have just installed) set "permitted users" field to "Admin approved users are pre-authorized" and save.
  4. Add the pre-authorized profiles or permission sets in the proper section that is now visible.
After those steps, any user who doesn't have the selected user profile or permission set won't have access to
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